your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens.

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

This quote by Carl Jung conveys what the ancient yogis referred to as Samadhi; the sight of the soul. They believed that when you look outside of yourself you have sight however; your true self becomes hidden by someone else’s dreams. This allows your family, friends and community to become your compass through life. On the other hand, when you look inside of yourself you have insight, self-exploration, and the discovery of who you are and what you believe. This allows your whole being to awaken and blossom.

Yoga philosophy and tools give us the ability to develop physically and spiritually. As we move into spring allow the ongoing practice of yoga to guide you towards Samadhi, where you become master of your circumstances and one with the core of your being.

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"Thank you for being an amazing yoga instructor. Your positive vibes and nurturing instructions are so welcomed. I feel stronger, I sleep better, and I tell all my patients to take yoga... better than any pill available. Yoga builds strong bones, muscles, and minds! Thank you again." Linda B.